Welcome to the website of the Centre for the Study of Experimental Literature (SEL)! Information about SEL's activities and publications can be found on this website.


Mission Statement

The UGent-VUB Centre for the Study of Experimental Literature (SEL) brings together researchers who focus on innovative literature from the end of the nineteenth century until the present. SEL wants to stimulate research into unconventional literature which seeks formal innovation. Central points of interest are Dutch and Flemish texts from symbolism, the historical avant-garde, the neo-avant-garde (vijftigers, nouveau roman, Ander Proza), and postmodernism. Also, SEL looks into the literary genres in which the experiment likes to manifest itself, such as prose poetry, cycles of novels and 'paraprose'. In workshops, conferences, projects, and publications, the text as well as the context of the experiment will be investigated. In the SEL series (Academia Press), the study centre publishes books on these topics.